Following the way of Jesus together

Jesus' metaphor for how you and I are to be with him is that of a branch abiding in the vine. Joining community here at Redeemer is an invitation to come and abide in Jesus—to pick up your cross and to follow him—together as a community.

We desire to cultivate community at Redeemer. But, you can find friendships at your local gym, neighborhood association, or pub. We want to see communities of disciples transformed by Jesus. Disciple simply means a follower. All of us are being formed by something and our communities want to be formed into the image of Jesus by following his ways together.

You were not made to live life on your own. Jesus calls us to step into community to experience his grace through others. All of us need an intentionally intrusive, Jesus-centered, grace-filled community who laughs together, cries together, prays together, and is striving to practice the way of Jesus together.

The Church is not just a Sunday morning event. It is during the six days between Sundays that we start to experience the Church as it was meant to be.

We have groups based on neighborhoods, season of life, or specific interests.


Community Groups are where our community gathers to learn and practice the way of Jesus together. If you are interested in serving our church in this area, please consider applying below today.

What is the process to becoming a community group leader?
1. Submit an Application
2. Interview with a Pastor
3. Go through New Leader Orientation
4. Launch your Group